Tuesday, September 05, 2006


As they say "EarthTrends is a comprehensive online database, maintained by the World Resources Institute, that focuses on the environmental, social, and economic trends that shape our world."
What I found was useful is a listing by nation of energy and resouce use data.

Monday, September 04, 2006

INFO: energy

Here are some interesting facts:

25Tonnes of plant life create 1kg of petrol
good reason to ride your bike!!


Newcastle, NSW Australia is the nation's largest coal port.
1kg of coal has an energy content of about 7.5kWh
1kg of coal creates about 3kg of CO2 from combustion.
Coal takes 3 million years to create

good reasons to transfer to the green energy scheme that your power company offers. We buy 100% solar power from Origin energy. It doesnt cost much more $ and it certainally doesn't cost the earth.