Thursday, June 03, 2010

ZELFO Changes

Image from new Zelfo Website.

You may have been interested in the Zelfo product which I raved on about afew years ago, a kind of plant-based plastic. The people of Zelfo are very communicative which I see as a very positive aspect for a developing product! Anyway, I recently recieved the following email from them:
Hello Jo

We are the owners of the Trade marked and Patented material Zelfo - as mentioned in your blog article on Zelfo.

Firstly I would like to thank you for running this article and for giving Zelfo a presence on your website.

Zelfo Technology are now concentrating on streamlining the manufacturing aspect of Zelfo and our product emphasis is no longer as shown in your article. From both your and Zelfo Technologys' side I believe it is important that we issue information that is current as it is of no benefit to either side to confuse the market. Therefore as Zelfo Technology are not ready to issue any press text or to show the latest range of Zelfo products, can I please ask that for now you remove all existing materials from your site.

Naturally as and when we are ready to issue any material that is relevant to you we will inform you immediately .

For you information, the microsite is now live.

Many thanks for your assistance with this matter.


Richard Hurding
Zelfo Technology
So we shall wait and see what develops.
Good Luck Zelfo.