Friday, October 17, 2014

Will Fred Nile be the saviour of the Newcastle Train line?

Hello Fred!
In a frabulous about-turn of pre-conceived notions, Fred Nile, the anti-gay and anti women's right-to-decide guy, has become a magical rabbit who is heading a parliamentary inquiry into the plan to close the railway line before it gets into Newcastle. (The latest proposal is to stop trains at Hamilton/Broadmeadow, even further from the city).

Fred has actually been hassled from bigwigs to Not conduct the inquiry, which has got his bristles up! With his nose twitching, sniffing out corruption, it looks like he might be a new hero!

Let's help Fred catch his carrot and put some submissions into the inquiry.

Parliamentary inquiries are actually pretty cool because all submissions must be read and addressed.
I know you have probably already written lots of letters, so at least you can cut and paste and it will be an easy process.

Drop your message to the government here: