Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Ask Umbra is my favourite RSS feed at the moment. Brought to you by the very good grist magazine, a witty research assistant solves a weekly dilemma of the eco lifestyle. As I write she is offering advice on how to introduce your grandma to your composting toilet. Last week she explained how to drink coffee in an environmentally responsible way. Submit your tricky question today!

Monday, November 21, 2005

WEBSITE REVIEW: Resource efficient building

The Resource Efficient Builder is a publication from EcoRecycle Victoria.
This link is a collection of 8 issues of the The Resource Efficient Builder
These .pdf's span from Feb 1998 to June 1999. Some of the info is a bit dated, but it still contains stacks of good info covering:
() Practical steps for waste recovery and minimisation
() Waste separation
() Auditing waste
() Involving individuals in waste minimisation practices
() Reducing packaging
() Recycling
() Home building
() Lots of case studies, at least one for each topic.