Monday, August 01, 2005

WEBSITE REVIEW: Redefining Progress
This is a well packed not-for-profit website from the US currently covering 3 main areas-
() Common Assets
() Sustainability Indicators
() Sustainable Economics

Each area is dicussed in well presented format with downloads for further in-depth reading and bibliographies.

The site also contains a nice ecological footprint calculator

As well as having clear, relevant information, this site offers ideas and actions which can be taken for a more sustainable future.


Leigh Blackall said...

My footprint is 7. 0.6 less than the Australian average. If everyone in the world lived like me, we would need 3.9 Earths! :(

Jo said...

If you found the ecological footprint calculator interesting, you might like to compare your results to another footprint calculator and see how you do.
Try the EPA (Environmental Protection Authority) home footprint calculator

or their footprint calculators for your:
or school