Wednesday, November 15, 2006

HOORAY: for Newcastle

International Action day for climate change was the 4th November. I ran a passive solar design workshop at Swansea ( which was great!).
Meanwhile on Nobby's beach, hundreds of Novocastrians made this great call for better energy production, despite the climatic condtions of the day...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo
Thanks for taking the passive design workshop for LMCC, it was great, lots of fantastic tips. A couple of questions:
Where can I find out about the "pump in" roof insulation? Is there a Newcastle rep?
Also, have you found a good source of recycled timber in the Newcastle area?
Thanks Liz

Jo said...

Hi Liz, I will answer your questions as my next blog post. cheers

Leigh Blackall said...

not the same day, but similar topic:

Jo said...

thanks leigh, I think that must be worth a post!