Tuesday, June 12, 2007

a BIG sign

Not last Sunday but the one before, I took a bus out to Anvil Hill with about 100 other Novocastrians. There we joined several hundred people who had come to show that they also did not want another coal mine to be approved. It was a lovely day and we joined together to spell out our message "save anvil hill". Can you spot me in the V of ANVIL?
How lovely it would be if the people investing in this new mine would take their money and invest it in renewable energy instead.

Last Sunday, I went down to Nobby's with several thousand other Novocastrians to look at the amazing sight of a huge coal ship beached on Nobby's. It was beached on the day that the Anvil Hill Coalmine was declared to be approved. It was also world ocean day and world environment day was the day before.
I'm not making any comment about climate change causing the storm.
But I am just going to say that the title for both of these pictures which fits perfectly is:

1 comment:

drspartacuss said...

Fight the man, Jo!

Keep up the good work!

Thanks for swinging by my 5things blog, and good luck on your five things.