Tuesday, January 16, 2007

NEWS: Banner drop creates climate awareness

This news story is from the Aotearoa Independant Media Centre and is well worth the click.
It seems 2 talented climbers from the Save Happy Valley Coalition shimmied up these cranes and hung their banner early this morning.
I like the the wording on the banner "solid energy=govt sponsored climate change". Energy sources which come from solid matter such as coal and biomass are major contributors to CO2 and methane emission buildup, unnaturally heating up the atmosphere, thus contributing to climate change. Non-solid energy sources such as solar, air and tidal energy are such a great alternative.
Is that something significant? Yes.. probably the tying up/ release of carbon! Since black coal is at least 92% carbon, dry brown coal about 70% carbon! And methane is 60 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2! (Figures from Tim Flannery, The Weather Makers, The history and future impact of climate change (Melbourne, Australia: The Text Publishing Company, 2005)(A great book to read if you haven't already))

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