Wednesday, December 12, 2007

NEWS: Good News!

I was so happy listening to the news yesterday! What a good change!
I do try to be peaceful and loving in my life but sometimes I do shout grumpily at the radio when I hear the crazy things the governments get up to...
but yesterday was full of hopeful cheer
Kevin Rudd, the Prime minister of Australia ( already a quiet smile)
goes to Bali to sign Kyoto Protocol (HOORAY!!)
leaving Julia Gillard behind as the first female acting as Prime Minister (Yay for the ladies! )
(althoug of course we await Julia's realisation of the importance of ending nuclear and unsustainable logging practices.)
The next item in the news was the Nobel peace prize being shared between Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). (YIPEEEEEEEE)

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