Monday, July 14, 2008

Sustainable House Day

A Date for the Diary: Sustainable Homes Day...
On the weekend of the 13th/14th September, houses which are sustainable will open their doors for the public to come in and have a look, and ask questions of the residents. ANZSES (Aust and NZ solar energy Society) are organising some of the tours. Their site has details of tours which may be in your area.
Your local council may also be organising something.

Newcastle city council will be running something at the GAIA Sustainable living demonstration home, which is open every third Saturday of the month generally, and well worth a visit!

1 comment:

Oli said...

Hey Jo,

big hello from the busy city :).
How's things up there in the Hunter?

I thought you might be interested in this book here about sustainable energy (free for download). Contains quite a few interesting numbers and diagrams.
