...is under threat....
As the NSW government considers a plan to "truncate" (PR-speak for "cut off") the railway line at Wickham
I'm not the only one who thinks this is silly. Here is a letter that another friend wrote to the government.We left Newcastle (my phone wants me to write Beefcake) 10 years ago. Developers were lobbying to close the rail then, 10 years before that, and still today. Ironically, you marked out the old tracks in the honeysuckle "refurb", and the tram line (?) -- Just marked it mind, in that typically Australian false sentiment.Keep it open damn you! Further, put the red rattler back on it. Build a perfect wave reef off the break wall. Make Hunter St one way out and King St one way in. Increase parking, paths, parks and cycleways.Flush out your dead head business precincts and their negatively geared visions. Resist the Sydney plebs and their shit ideas. Find a real visions and back them for at least 10 years. renew newcastle proudly.We might move back then. Good luck.
If you would like to make contact with the government on this too, you should send a handwritten letter to the NSW Minister for transport and the Hunter Region, Gladys Berejiklian: Level 35 Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, SYDNEY NSW 2000. As well as your local state member
For further information or to join the campaign, go to Save Our Rail website
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